Why not spend a week with us and see if working with animals is something you want to do in the future?
Work experience can be an incredible help in deciding what to study and in choosing your future career. It can also be a great way to meet people, get out of your comfort zone, experience new things, and learn!
Work experience at Vauxhall City Farm isn’t just about petting rabbits and feeding goats (though we give you opportunity to do all this as well). Working on a farm, even one as small as ours, is hard work and involves a lot of cleaning and sweeping. Whilst it’s hard work, it is very fulfilling and you will learn a lot by getting your hands dirty.
We have hundreds of young people complete placements with us across the year and places get booked up very early, especially during designated school ‘Work Experience Weeks’ so please do make sure that you get in touch in advance, to apply for a placement.
We require all work experience students to have an up to date tetanus vaccination and will not be able to process your application without this, so please check with your GP for the date of your last vaccination before you fill in an application form.
If you’d love to work with us, please fill in the appropriate form, in full, and return it to us. Parts of the form that have not been filled in will slow down the process and may mean you miss out on a placement. Once we have reeived your form we will be in touch to let you know if you have been successful, and to book your start date.
Due to the small size of our team, we cannot accommodate supported volunteers at this time. We hope to be able to offer this service again in the future.
“I really enjoy the work at the Vauxhall City Farm. I met only friendly people and it is fun to work together with other volunteers. I have to do a broad spectrum of different tasks. I clean the animal’s stables, feed them, give them fresh water, straw, and hay every day. Sometimes I assist with workshops for school classes where they learn how to make butter for example or get some basic information about the animals at the farm. I also enjoy helping the visitors who come every day. We give children the opportunity to pet and feed the animals, and make sure that everyone feels comfortable – the children, the parents and the animals. I notice that I get more fluent day by day. I can talk with other volunteers and the visitors all the time which is very helpful for my progress.” — Felix, International Student Placement
“My son has been working at the farm on Sundays as part of the Duke of Edinburgh bronze medal award scheme. He has loved the work. The experience has been brilliant for him. His Dad and I can see how much his confidence has increased since working at the farm and how much he has learnt. Once again many thanks to you and to all the team for making this volunteering experience such a brilliant one for him.” — C.A. Email feedback
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