Christmas Closure: The Farm will close at 5pm on Sunday 22nd December, and reopen at 10:30am on Tuesday 7th January 2025

Tough Mudder Kirstie

Are you ready to meet our first Tough Mudder participant? Let’s see how Kirstie feels about Tough Mudder, in her own words…


My name is Kirstie, and I am sacrificing my dignity (and my limbs) for the great cause that is fundraising a whopping 5K for Vauxhall City Farm, completing a 5000m race at the London South – Tough Mudder.

You’re probably reading this thinking, ‘Who is this person? What are they doing? Might they be better off joining the army? Who in their right mind would enrol onto such a treacherous, danger-lain course, where human defying obstacles paralyse the very core of their being?!’ Worry not!

I am an Education Officer at Vauxhall City Farm, which means I book and deliver workshops for a wide range of people, local residents as well as visitors from far and wide. I also run different programs across the farm, for young people, children and families.

My Saturday Young Farmers would describe me as someone who likes to make up drawing activities, enjoys feeding the lambs and goats, and someone who lets Peaches the goat kid jump on their back. Well, that Kirstie is no more! The new Kirstie is a die-hard adrenaline fan, who scales giant walls, swims through icy water and climbs epic monkey bars!

I’m terrified.

Join me (in spirit) on September 21st, when me and my colleagues Annabella, Megan, Carlton and others dear to me, will conquer the 13 awesome obstacles Tough Mudder has in store for us. I’m shaking in my boots, but it’s going to be awesome!

This is a very special cause, as the farm relies heavily on donations and public support to continue running all of the different programs and workshops we do, so if you could pledge even just a few pounds to our fundraiser, it would mean the world to all of us here at Vauxhall City Farm.

Think of us in those frozen pools, trudging up the tallest of slippery slopes, and crawling under death-lain traps… Remember – We’re doing it for the animals!!

– Kirstie, Tough Mudder London South Participant 2019 (and lover of Peaches) xo

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