FAQs 2021

We’ve been open for a month or two now, after all the lockdowns and thankfully the phones are ringing off the hook. So, we thought it’d be useful to post our latest updates to the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Take a look below to be directed to the area you need.

1. Opening Times & Fees

Probably are most frequently asked question…and rightfully so. If you’d like to visit we are open Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:30 to 4:00pm. The last entry is 3:45. No booking is required and entry is FREE! However, on busy days there may be a bit of  queue so there can sometimes be a bit of a wait at peak times.

2. Bikes & Buggies

Our site is very accessible. But, we are London’s smallest City Farm and areas can become very congested.

We no longer have a buggy park, so please take this into account when planning your visit. If you do decide to bring your buggy, please remain with it at all times.

Bikes are not permitted on any part of the farm. That includes the farmyard and cafe area. There are bike-racks opposite the cafe entrance to the farm which are for public use. Please leave your bikes here when visiting us.

3. Volunteering

We love how much people want to volunteer on the farm and we’re glad to start inviting people to apply again. If you’re hoping to volunteer, head to our ‘Get Involved’ section by clicking here, to see all the different options open to you.

4. Riding

One of the best parts of our offering here at Vauxhall City Farm is undoubtedly our riding school. We were crushed when we had to close it down and say goodbye to our horses. 

There are glimmers of hope on the horizon though. Our phased return of riding is well underway.

We have our new riding manager working hard to update our programme and facilities to bring horses back to the farm. For more information visit our riding page.

So, there you have it. Our update FAQs. We hope this answers some of your questions and, if not, feel free to pick up the phone and give us a ring.


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