Aviary Birds

Birds of various breeds, colours and sizes live in our aviary and are waiting to delight you with their songs and silly games!

It is easy to forget the joy of birdsong when you live in the middle of London. We have a variety of birds in our large outdoor aviary including budgies, lovebirds and finches and they love to serenade us!

Lovebirds are the smallest type of parrot and we think the cutest! Our lovebirds are a very affectionate pair, who enjoy the privacy of their nest box. We are hopeful that one day they will create a VCF lovebird family.

Most small aviary birds are popular pets around the world due to their small size, range of colours, low cost, and ability to learn to talk. However, they do take a lot of looking after (and can be quite messy!).

Many of the birds in our aviary were given to us after their previous owners had to give them up for various reasons so we do encourage everyone to think about all aspects of pet ownership, before buying an animal!

Did you know that you can support the farm by adopting our animals? Why not adopt the aviary birds?

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